Comment écrire un projet de naissance ?

How to write a birth plan?

Writing a birth plan is a bit like planning the most beautiful meeting of your life , the one where you will meet your baby for the first time! This precious document allows you to share your wishes and preferences with the medical team who will accompany you during this magical moment. Here is a guide to help you write your birth plan.

Why a birth plan?

A birth plan is an opportunity to put words into words and say how you imagine your ideal birth . It is a way to create a calm atmosphere and strengthen communication with healthcare professionals. Do not hesitate to involve your partner in drafting your birth plan, so that he or she can act as spokesperson at a time when you will no longer necessarily be able to do so.

Structure of your birth plan

  1. Introduction :

- Quickly introduce yourself, as well as the person who will accompany you (your partner, a doula , a member of your family, etc.).

- Express your desire to collaborate with the medical team for a delivery that respects your choices and desires.

  1. General Preferences:

- Talk about the atmosphere you want for the birthing room (soft lighting, favorite playlist, etc.).

- Mention whether you prefer a natural birth or whether you are open to medical interventions, and to what extent.

  1. Pain Management:

- Indicate your preferred methods for managing pain (epidural, breathing techniques, hypnosis, etc.).

- Say if you are willing to try different options depending on the situation.

  1. During Childbirth:

- Write down your birth position preferences (lying, standing, in water, etc.).

- Mention if you wish to limit certain interventions such as episiotomy, the use of tools, etc.

  1. After Birth:

- Indicate your wishes for the first moments with your baby (immediate skin to skin, welcome feeding, etc.).

- Talk about postnatal tests and treatments and your preferences.

But above all, writing a birth plan means preparing the ground for a birth that suits you. Stay flexible, because each birth is unique and may have surprises. Do not hesitate to share your project with your midwife or doctor so that they understand your wishes.

By carefully preparing your birth plan, you create the conditions for an unforgettable and positive experience, full of love and joy. Happy writing and long live the babies!

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