Choosing a name for your child is an exciting adventure , filled with endless possibilities and beautiful discoveries. It is a true journey that takes us through cultures, eras and personal inspirations, offering each parent the chance to give their baby a unique and meaningful name.
In this series of articles, we invite you to explore old or more recent first names, from the most classic to the most exotic . Who knows, maybe you will find the perfect first name for your little treasure to come!
Let’s dive together into this fascinating world where each first name tells a beautiful story!

Who are you? Can you introduce yourself?
My name is Clarisse , I am a yoga teacher specializing in pelvic floor and abdominal well-being without pressure, and mother of a little boy named Matisse . I help women take care of their body and more particularly their perineum at every stage of their life.
You can find her on her website (she just launched a great program!) and on Instagram .

Photo credits: Clarisse Ernoux
At what point during the pregnancy (or before!) did you start talking about names with your husband?
We started talking about names very early: as soon as we knew it was a little boy, so at the first ultrasound!
How did you get to know this first name?
I had several names in mind, including Mathis, which I found very sweet. I don't even know how I had heard it before.
What resources did you look at to find name ideas?
Like many, we visited all the websites in the world... which never inspired me!

Photo credits: Louise de Metz
How did you make your choice?
We were on the train to Nice, I wrote 5 names for boys on the napkin in the bar car and asked him to choose from among these five. He immediately chose Matisse, with this slightly less common writing.
Who are the great personalities who have had this first name (Saint, star, artist, etc.)?
The famous painter Henri Matisse. We know him for his famous paintings: Icarus, the blue nudes, the sheaf ...
Did this have an impact on your choice of name for your child?
We can say yes because when we arrived at the Nice train station, we discovered that this famous painter Matisse lived in Nice until the end of his life. There we discovered the Matisse museum. It was a sign for us!

When did you decide on the name? Was there a trigger?
Leaving the station at 3 months pregnant :) It was obvious throughout the rest of the pregnancy, neither of us went back on it.
We also realized after her birth that it was in some way the contraction of our two first names Clarisse & Martin. Without doing it on purpose!
What first names have you given up?
Gabriel, Marceau, Romeo… Names that I love even if I’m not very inspired when it comes to boys’ names.

Photo credit: Louise de Metz
A final word? Do you have any advice for future parents who are looking for a first name?
I am part of the team of those who decide on the name well in advance. I loved calling him by his first name during my pregnancy but that is not the case for everyone! Do as you feel and above all do not listen to the opinions of others.

Thank you Clarisse for sharing this beautiful story with us!
Your child has a beautiful name and you want to share his or her story with us? Write to us!
1 comment
J’adore le peintre, alors le prénom me charme beaucoup !! Cette nouvelle série est super !