Choosing a name for your child is an exciting adventure , filled with endless possibilities and beautiful discoveries. It is a true journey that takes us through cultures, eras and personal inspirations, offering each parent the chance to give their baby a unique and meaningful name.
In this series of articles, we invite you to explore old or more recent first names, from the most classic to the most exotic . Who knows, maybe you will find the perfect first name for your little treasure to come!
Let’s dive together into this fascinating world where each first name tells a beautiful story!
Who are you? Can you introduce yourself?
I am Marine, the mother of a 2-year-old boy named Auguste. But also the future mother of twins.
At what point during the pregnancy (or before!) did you start talking about first names with your partner?
For this first pregnancy, we started thinking about names as soon as I found out I was pregnant. We had made a list of girl and boy names. There were fewer male names than female names. Then, we very quickly had a shortlist of 3 male names for our little boy.
How did you get to know this first name?
Auguste is the first name of my partner's great-grandfather. We don't know any of them (which was a good thing for us, you'll understand why a little later!).
What resources did you look at to find name ideas?
To find ideas for first names, we used the internet a lot (Google searches) but also social networks, like Instagram. I explored a lot of the “duo/trio” selections that can be found on Instagram.
Who are the great personalities who have had this first name (Saint, star, artist, etc.)?
We searched on Google who had this first name, and we liked it: Auguste Renoir , Auguste Lumière , Auguste Rodin … Very inspiring people!
Dance at the Moulin de la Galette, Auguste Renoir (1876)
What first names have you given up?
My partner had the unfortunate tendency to associate any first name with someone or something, so that immediately reduced the choice! For example, no Gaspard because of Palmashow, etc.
I had to give up other first names that I really liked because my partner vetoed them: Pio, Achille, Honoré...
When did you decide on the name? Was there a trigger?
So our 3 favorites were Auguste, Louis and Andrea.
There wasn't really a trigger to decide on the name. We had to make a choice, I would say that Louis seemed too given, too classic, and Andrea perhaps a little too "original". In the end, Auguste has always been our favorite!
For the record, Auguste still has Louis and Andrea as his second and third first names!
How did you make your choice?
It wasn't obvious from the beginning because the name Auguste wasn't unanimously accepted within our families. I had some doubts and I allowed myself to change my mind as the birth approached.
On the big day, when the midwife asked about the name to write on the bracelet, it finally seemed obvious: it was Auguste! And I immediately thought it suited him perfectly!
A final word? Do you have any advice for future parents who are looking for a first name?
2 years later we still think it suits him so well! In hindsight, I wouldn't have imagined another name. My advice would be to explore the selections of “duo or trio” first names that can be found on Instagram :)
Thank you very much Marine for this beautiful story! We wish you both a lot of courage in finding names for your twins!
Your child has a beautiful name and you want to share his or her story with us? Write to us!